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Are The Foods You Eat Contributing To Tinnitus?

Tinnitus or ringing in the ears can occur naturally as we age and can also develop because of our diet habits. Did you know that some foods can contribute to tinnitus? If you already have tinnitus, these certain types of food can even worsen your condition. What foods should you avoid to prevent your tinnitus from worsening? Listed below are some of the most popular foods that contribute to tinnitus development, which you should start avoiding.


Saturated fats and trans fats can cause poor blood circulation in our system and even reduce blood flow. Saturated fats increase the bad cholesterol level in our body and heighten tinnitus development in our ears. If blood flow is reduced, the toxins within the inner ear cannot be removed, thus worsening tinnitus. Decreased blood flow in the ears can also be the primary cause for tinnitus to develop.


Hyperinsulinemia is the body’s insensitivity to insulin and fails to break down sugar and deliver it to cells. If the body won’t be able to break down the sugar, it can lead to excessive glucose build up and can cause the pancreas to release more insulin. If you have a weak sugar metabolism, your oxygen and glucose supply to the brain will be obstructed.  Once these supplies of nutrients are obstructed, damage and imbalance can occur resulting in tinnitus.

Sugar Substitutes

If you think sugar substitutes are healthy, then you’re definitely wrong. Sugar substitutes are even worse than sugar itself and the worst of them all is aspartame. If aspartame is used together with glutamate, they can cause neurons to fire continuously until they deplete and die. Once this occurs, neurodegenerative conditions can develop and tinnitus is no exemption from this damage.

Food Additives and Flavor Enhancers

Flavor enhancers like monosodium glutamate, or MSG, break down to glutamate in our bodies. Glutamate is the number one cause of tinnitus in the food category. Similar to aspartame, it is also an excitatory neurotransmitter. If neuro-receptors in the auditory pathways are flooded with glutamates, the neurons become excited and fire continuously to the point of depleting and dying eventually.


Salicylates are chemicals that occur naturally in plants. They are also found in foods such as dried fruits, berries, and certain citrus fruits. Other vegetables such as peppers, tomatoes, and canned green olives also contain salicylates. Some beverages like red wine, beer, cider, sherry, and brandy all contain high levels of salicylates.

People with existing tinnitus may experience a worsening in their condition if they take foods that contain this chemical. It is best to avoid these foods and beverages which contain salicylate if you are experiencing tinnitus.

Sodium Chloride or Salt

Excessive salt in the body increases blood pressure within the major arteries by restricting the blood vessels. An increased level of blood pressure will reduce the blood flow towards the eyes, ears, and brain. Blood is the main distributor of nutrients throughout the body. If there is a restricted blood flow to any of the vital parts of our body, it will result in a nutrient deficiency. If our ears don’t get enough of these nutrients and aren’t able to get rid of toxins due to lack of blood flow, tinnitus will surely develop or an existing tinnitus will worsen.

People who have tinnitus should be extra careful with their diet. Aside from avoiding the foods and beverages stated above, they should switch to healthier food choices. According to several studies, people who avoided these foods in their diet experienced a healing progress from tinnitus.

It’s not advisable to avoid everything at once. Always consult your health specialist before you go on a diet plan. They will advise you what foods to eat or those which you should avoid. Among the food options given, consult your audiologist if some of the given foods can trigger tinnitus or worsen your tinnitus. If you have further concerns with your hearing health, get a free consultation from us at Beltone DFW by calling (888) 958-8432. We’ll always be happy to accommodate you.