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Holidays and Hearing Health: Tips for Navigating Noisy Celebrations
Make the most of the holidays while safeguarding your hearing. Discover tips to navigate noisy celebrations and enjoy a joyful season with your hearing health intact.
Is Tobacco Usage a Potential Cause of Hearing Loss?
Several factors can contribute to hearing loss, with tobacco usage being one of them. Learn more to see how tobacco can worsen your hearing ability.
What Can We Do to Improve Our Overall Hearing Health?
Don't allow yourself to further lose your hearing ability. Here are some tips you should consider to improve your overall hearing health!
5 Ways You Can Enjoy Valentine's Day with Hearing Loss
Don't let the fear of hearing loss ruin your Valentine's Day plans. Here are five ways you can enjoy Valentine's Day this year with confidence!
7 Ways To Decrease Your Dementia Risk
Scientists still don’t have a complete understanding of dementia. Today, millions of people around the world are living with this mental disorder.
Can Hearing Aids Help with Meniere’s Disease?
If you are experiencing hearing loss as a result of Meniere’s Disease or any other type of hearing impairment, call us today for a free hearing test.
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