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When Should I Upgrade My Hearing Aids

When Should I Upgrade My Hearing Aids

Hearing loss has become a pronounced health concern for people in the United States. Research conducted has found that the hearing capacities of roughly one-fifth of persons age 45 and older, one-third of those age 74 and older and nearly half of individuals 75 and up has declined. Fortunately, hearing aids have proven a useful tool in regaining the hearing loss individuals sustained. That said, these devices are often intricate mechanical devices that do need replacing after a certain time.

Beltone Dallas Fort Worth, a hearing care company serving the needs of North Texas’s citizens, invites our current and prospective clients to read this important blog discussing the importance of hearing aids and the signs that these devices might soon need replacing.

The Importance Of Hearing Aids

Researchers have also concluded that 95 percent of all persons with some discernible form of diminished hearing could witness an improvement in their condition by using a hearing aid. However, hearing aids often possess specific “shelf lives” and will eventually require upgrading.

Signs And Reasons For Hearing Aid Replacement

A Change In The Device’s Performance

Every hearing aid is different and comprised of varying components. Therefore, pinpointing how long any one contraption will last is quite difficult. That said, certain common issues might indicate the device in question is experiencing some type of technical difficulty or decline and requires either repairing or replacing. Potential red flag symptoms to pay attention to include unexpected volume changes, the occurrence of interfering sounds like hissing and whistling or a decreased ability to hear telephone conversations or discussions that occur in noisy environments.

Hearing aid upgrades may not always be precipitated by an old or malfunctioning device. Other circumstances that might necessitate a new or upgraded audio contraption include:

Progressive Worsening Of One’s Hearing

As people age, their hearing may progressively decline. Moreover, certain medical maladies might precipitate an accelerated decrease in one’s hearing capacity. When such conditions arise, the individual in question’s current hearing device might no longer prove sufficient. Ergo, individuals may require a more powerful contraption. Should a person’s current hearing aid appear to not work as efficiently as it once did, a visit to their doctor or hearing specialist might be indicated to rule out mechanical issues.

Lifestyle Changes

On other occasions, lifestyle changes including but not limited to a new job or living arrangement alterations might put excessive strain on an existing hearing aid and inhibit its functionality. Individuals who notice a sudden decline in their hearing aid’s performance after undergoing such a lifestyle change might wish to consider upgrading to a more powerful tool.

Contacting Us

If you detect decreased performance in your hearing aid, the specialists at the Beltone Dallas Fort Worth hearing care center recommend you contact us by phone or by filling in our contact form. Our team of hearing specialists can help determine the cause of your hearing aid issues and might be able to fit you with a new and improved device designed to correlate to your circumstances.

