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Treatment Options for Mixed Hearing Loss

Treatment Options for Mixed Hearing Loss

Mixed hearing loss is a medical condition that occurs when two different factors contribute to your loss of hearing. Mixed hearing loss occurs when there is damage to the outer and inner ear at the same time. This prevents sound from fully going through the outer ear to the inner ear. It also prevents the inner ear from processing sounds before they are sent to the brain. This hearing condition will only worsen over time, so it is important to get the treatment you need before it is too late.

Symptoms of Mixed Hearing Loss

The most obvious sign of this condition is the inability to hear properly. Everything will likely sound very soft and muffled. The problems in the inner ear will cause you to experience several other symptoms, including ear pressure, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and balance issues. You may also notice that your voice sounds slightly different when talking. These symptoms can occur in one or both ears depending on the severity of your mixed hearing loss.

Causes of Mixed Hearing Loss

Several different factors can lead to you developing mixed hearing loss. The leading cause of hearing loss in the inner ear is aging. The inner ear’s ability to send signals to the brain just gradually gets worse over time. The outer ear hearing loss is often caused by infections, earwax impaction, fluid in the middle ear, or a perforated eardrum from excessive noise. Growths on the ear and head trauma have also been known to contribute to mixed hearing loss.

Treatment Options for Mixed Hearing Loss

The problems affecting the outer ear are often very treatable. Since your inner ear issue is likely caused by aging, it cannot be cured entirely. The root cause of your outer ear issue will be addressed first. The exact treatment option will be based on the underlying cause of your problem. Once this problem is fixed, you will be fitted for a hearing device. Hearing aids will help amplify the sounds that your inner ear is missing, which will make it much easier to understand soft sounds. The combination of the two treatments will vastly improve your everyday life.

Call Us Today

At Beltone Dallas Fort Worth, we are here to help everyone. Do not hesitate to call us with any questions you have about mixed hearing loss. We can even set up an appointment to diagnose your hearing issues and start the treatment process on the same phone call. You will be amazed at how much your life changes after getting your mixed hearing loss properly treated by hearing specialists.