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Ear Wax Check
Is it Okay to Remove Your Ear Wax?
A lot of ear wax can tempt you to reach for a cotton swab and remove your ear wax on your own. But is it safe to do so? Learn more at Beltone DFW!
Restore Hearing
Can Hearing Aids Fully Restore Hearing Loss?
While hearing aids can't cure your hearing loss, they can definitely allow you to hear better than you currently are.
Profound Hearing Loss
How Much Can Hearing Aids Help With Profound Hearing Loss?
Those with profound hearing loss can't hear sounds below 90 decibels. This means that they can't hear most sounds without hearing aids or amplifiers.
hearing test
Why It's Not a Good Idea to Fake a Hearing Test
Providing inaccurate results to your family doctor or audiologist can do more harm than good to your hearing health. Learn more at Beltone DFW today!
Tobacco Use
Is Tobacco Usage a Potential Cause of Hearing Loss?
Several factors can contribute to hearing loss, with tobacco usage being one of them. Learn more to see how tobacco can worsen your hearing ability.
Hearing Health Plans
What Can We Do to Improve Our Overall Hearing Health?
Don't allow yourself to further lose your hearing ability. Here are some tips you should consider to improve your overall hearing health!