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Can Hearing Aids Fully Restore Hearing Loss?
While hearing aids can't cure your hearing loss, they can definitely allow you to hear better than you currently are.
How Much Can Hearing Aids Help With Profound Hearing Loss?
Those with profound hearing loss can't hear sounds below 90 decibels. This means that they can't hear most sounds without hearing aids or amplifiers.
Can Hearing Aids Overheat During the Summer?
You may be worried about your hearing aids in this summer weather. Will the warm weather overheat your hearing aids and cause unwanted damage?
Which Phones Are Beltone Hearing Aid Compatible?
Pairing your phone and hearing aids gives you easy access to customize your hearing experience. See which phones are compatible with Beltone hearing aids.
Can You Sell, Trade, or Donate Used Hearing Aids?
Don't throw out your outdated hearing aids. Try methods such as trading them in for a newer model, or simply donating your hearing aids! Learn more.
OTC Hearing Aids vs. Hearing Aids From an Audiologist
When it comes down to buying a new hearing aid, you have two options to choose from: OTC hearing aids or hearing aids from an audiologist. Learn more!
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