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Hearing Aids and Heat

Can Hearing Aids Overheat During the Summer?

As the hot summer weather greets us again, it can wreak havoc on some of our precious electrical devices. While you try to keep all your devices out of direct sunlight, you may worry about your hearing aids. Will the warm weather overheat your hearing aids and cause unwanted damage?

How Does Warm Weather Affect Your Hearing Aids?

The warm weather can cause various issues that can lead to damage to your hearing aids. Your body temperature rises when the weather is hot, which leads to sweating. This excess moisture can wreak havoc on the digital components of your hearing aids. Sunblock and tanning lotions can also get into the internal parts of your hearing aids. This can also cause malfunctions.

When your hearing aids are in direct sunlight, it can melt some of their internal components. While this isn't very likely to happen while you're wearing them, it can happen if you store them out in the sun. It's very important to be mindful of where you place your hearing aids when you're not wearing them.

How to Care For Your Hearing Aids During the Summer?

It's safe to expect that you'll need to clean your hearing aids more often during the warmer months. You should clean off any lotions or oils that come into contact with your hearing aids. During the overnight hours, it's best to use a dehumidifier. Leave the battery compartment open on your hearing aids. This will help to wick away any excess moisture that has made its way inside of your hearing aids.

Preventing moisture from affecting hearing aids is better than trying to remove it. If you're working out and sweating, store your hearing aids in a moisture-safe box. If you're going to be swimming or near the beach, consider removing your hearing aids. This helps to prevent water from coming into direct contact with them.

Tips For Keeping Your Hearing Aids From Overheating

The best method for keeping your hearing aids from overheating is to store them in a cool, dry place. There are many containers that will keep your hearing aids safe and dry while not wearing them. Avoid storing your hearing aids in your car as they can overheat. While you're wearing your hearing aids, consider also using a hat to shade your ears. A hat can also keep your hearing aids out of the direct sunlight.

Contact Us Today

If you're struggling with your current hearing aids or you think that you may need hearing aids, give us a call. Our hearing care team will test your hearing and provide you with hearing aids to meet your needs. We offer many suitable hearing aid options that can enhance your quality of life.