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hearing test

Here's Why Your Hearing Test Results Can Surprise You

When your doctor carries out a hearing test, they will ensure that your ears are working well. If they notice any issues, they will recommend a suitable treatment option.

As you grow older, you may start to experience some level of hearing loss. A considerable percentage of people above the age of 45 are prone to experiencing hearing loss issues. To avoid some of these issues, the doctor will recommend a hearing test every few years.

Before you reach 50 years of age, it is crucial to go in for a hearing test once every three to five years. If you’re above 50 years old, you should undertake a hearing test once every three years.

The Importance of a Hearing Test

There are instances when you may suspect you have hearing loss. If you have trouble hearing what others are saying in a crowded room, it could indicate you may have a hearing problem.

You should avoid assumptions in this case and undertake a hearing test to ascertain the root of the problem. Hearing loss is a gradual process, and if the issue is detected earlier, the healing process will progress smoothly.

Some of the reasons why adults could experience hearing loss include:

  • Being around noisy areas
  • Long exposure to loud music
  • Mowing the lawn

As a senior, if you fail to address the hearing issue, you may feel left out when there is a social event since you can’t hear everything happening around you. You might even stop meeting up with family and friends since you may be embarrassed that you can’t hear well. If you’re isolated, there is a high chance you can develop depression. To avoid such issues, ensure you undergo a hearing test, and a specialist will come up with a treatment plan based on the severity of your condition.

What Should You Expect During the Test?

A hearing test will take at least 30 minutes to complete. The test is also painless. As an adult, you need to wear earphones as you undergo the hearing test. You’ll listen to some short tones that will be played in different pitches and volumes in one ear at a time.

During the hearing test, you’ll be required to listen to a speech at different volumes. The speech will be played in one ear at a time. You’ll be requested to repeat what you’ve heard. Such tests are carried out in a soundproof room, and there won’t be any background noises.

Are you experiencing any hearing issues? If yes, contact a specialist at Beltone Dallas Fort Worth today for assistance.