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Can Cold Weather Cause Hearing Loss?
The cold weather is known to cause a runny nose and other sinuses. Learn more to see why you should protect your ears from the cold this winter.
Can Hearing Aids Help Aid Chronic Sinusitis?
Chronic Sinusitis can cause your Eustachian tube to become inflamed, leading to hearing loss. Find out if hearing aids can help aid Chronic sinusitis.
What Are the Actual Causes of Sensorineural Hearing Loss?
Sensorineural hearing loss can be due to damages to the ear. Let us take a closer look at some of the several causes of sensorineural hearing loss.
Face Masks and Hearing Impairment
Although face masks are essential against the transmission of the virus, hard-of-hearing individuals struggle to keep up with the newly masked world.
Signs of Auditory Processing Disorder in Adults
For anyone having symptoms of auditory processing disorder, please call Beltone DFW today for your hearing care needs.
Why Do My Hearing Aids Whistle?
No matter what kind of device you are using to manage your hearing loss, you may have times when you may hear whistling noises now and then
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