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Hearing Aid Myths

5 Spooky Fictions About Hearing Aids

Contrary to what you may think, seeing a hearing care specialist doesn't have to be overly scary. Our helpful audiologists are all about enhancing your hearing so you can better interact with the world around you. Unfortunately, some common misconceptions about hearing aids could be holding you back from getting the proper treatment you need to treat your hearing issues.

Hearing Aids Make You Look Old

While some hearing aid styles may look old-fashioned, they can be customized to your liking. You have many options when it comes to the type of hearing aid that you wear. In fact, many people opt for in-the-ear hearing aids that are very discreet. This type of hearing can help boost your confidence and keep you from trying to hide your hearing aid. Also, hearing aids are available in many different colors, so you can find one that matches your skin tone or your sense of individual style.

Hearing Aids are Only for Deaf Individuals

Hearing aids are an excellent choice for people experiencing all levels of hearing loss on the spectrum. There are various types of hearing aids that individually address certain levels of hearing loss. You may be surprised to discover that even mild hearing loss can significantly impact your mental and brain health. Hearing aids are the best way to help minimize that impact.

Hearing Aids Just Make Sounds Louder

While it's true that hearing aids work to amplify sounds around you so you can better hear them, that's not all they do. Hearing aids can help filter out background noises so that you can focus on your conversations. Most even come with directional microphones to help pinpoint the exact location that a sound is coming from.

Investing in Only One Hearing Aid Will Save You Money

Spend a day with an earplug in just one of your ears, and you'll discover just how difficult it is to only wear hearing aids in one ear. You won't be able to localize where sounds come from if you simply invest in one hearing aid. The point of hearing aids is to help enhance your hearing and make it effortless. Investing in just one device will not provide you with optimal hearing.

You Won't Be Able to Use Your Phone With Your Hearing Aids

Just because you own a pair of hearing aids doesn't mean you need to kiss your smartphone goodbye. Instead, many hearing aids can be seamlessly integrated with your smartphone. With modern technology, you can play music, take incoming calls or make outgoing calls, and do so much more effortlessly with the right hearing aids.

Call Us Today

If you're looking to upgrade your hearing aids or are currently experiencing problems with your hearing, then it's time to give us a call at Beltone Dallas Fort Worth. Let our hearing care specialists assess your hearing and recommend the best treatment for your hearing needs.