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Mental Health

Hearing Loss: How to Improve Your Mental Health

Numerous studies have shown that those who suffer from untreated hearing loss are more likely to develop mental health problems. The most common are anger, anxiety, and depression, which stem from feeling inadequate and isolated. If you suffer from hearing loss, it's more important than ever to ensure that you stay mentally healthy.

Talk It Out

The longer you go without speaking to someone about the struggles you face with hearing loss, the harder it's going to be to do so. We highly recommend talking about your feelings with another person, whether to a loved one, through a therapist, or a licensed hearing specialist. Don't think of this activity as showing your weaknesses. Instead, think of talking about your feelings as a way to take charge of your wellbeing so that you can stay healthy and happy.

Stay Active

Exercise is very understated in its ability to help alleviate stress and rejuvenate the body. Consider establishing a regular exercise program doing an activity that you enjoy. This will help boost your self-confidence, allow you to concentrate better, get more quality sleep, and feel much better every day.

Eat Well

What you eat has a huge impact on your overall mental health. Junk food tends to leave us craving more and feeling unhealthy. Eating fruits, vegetables, and non-processed foods is a great way to help you feel full without overdoing it. Eating well allows your body to feel energized immediately and shows your commitment to great physical health.

Stay In Touch

As humans, we naturally crave social interactions with others. Over the years, you may have noticed that you haven't kept in touch with many friends and family members. This could be due to the fact that you've had a troubling experience trying to communicate with hearing loss. The truth is that withdrawing from social interactions can significantly increase your risk of mental health problems. Try communicating in a different setting and ensure that you have the proper hearing aids to give yourself the best chance of having a pleasurable social interaction.

Take Breaks Often

Whether you're trying out your new hearing aids for the first time or you're practicing new communication tactics, like lip reading, it can be overwhelming. Your brain can get stressed and greatly impact your mental health. It's best to take breaks from time to time. A slight change in scenery or activity is all you need to reduce your stress and rejuvenate your brain.

Care For Others

One of the best ways to get out of a mental health rut is to care for others experiencing the same problem with socializing with others due to their hearing loss. When you put their needs above your own, you'll develop a close relationship and feel like you're needed. Everybody needs to feel wanted to have positive mental health.

Contact Us Today

Contact our local Beltone Dallas Fort Worth facility if you're struggling with hearing loss. Our friendly hearing care specialists are ready to assist you on your journey to better hearing.