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Hearing Aid Malfunctions

10 Common Hearing Aid Problems Customers Run Into

There's no denying that adjusting to life with hearing aids is a bit challenging at first. From taking a shower to going for a run, many little tasks in life can seem more challenging to accomplish with hearing aids. We're going to look at 10 of the most common problems individuals with hearing aids experience and how to handle them effectively.

Battery Lifespan

Most hearing aids come with tiny batteries or rechargeable ones. To avoid running out of battery power, it's highly advisable to carry spare batteries along with you. If you have rechargeable batteries, make sure you bring your charger and use it whenever possible.

Too Much Moisture

Moisture is one of the biggest problems that users have with their hearing aids. Excess moisture that reaches the internal components of your hearing aid can wreak havoc. It's best to opt for purchasing hearing aids with a moisture protection coating. Make it part of your routine to take your hearing aids out whenever you get in the shower.

Excessive Ear Wax

Ear wax can hinder the performance of your hearing aids by blocking the microphone and other internal components. To prevent excessive build-up, you'll want to use a two-prong approach. First, regularly clean out your ears before installing your hearing aids. Second, wipe off your hearing aids after every use to remove any ear wax residue.

Poor Feedback

Most feedback that a user receives is from their hearing aid rubbing against something. Do yourself a favor and wait to turn your hearing aids on until they're properly positioned in your ear. Many new hearing aid models will even come with feedback elimination.

If You Live an Active Lifestyle

Your new hearing aids shouldn't stop you from living an active lifestyle. They're definitely something that you'll need to get used to when performing physical activities like biking. However, with an in-the-ear device, you'll likely forget that they're even there after a short while.


Unfortunately, the hearing aid market hasn't quite found standard solutions for excessive water activities. There are a select few hearing aids that are waterproof. However, it's typically easiest for most people to simply remove their hearing aids while they're in the water.

Sleeping with Hearing Aids

It's not uncommon for hearing aid users to be unsure of whether or not they should be wearing their hearing aids while they're sleeping. The reality is that it's really up to you. If you do want the convenience of having your hearing aids while you're sleeping, talk with a specialist about getting customized hearing devices that you can sleep in. Otherwise, simply take them out.

Constant Headaches

It's not uncommon for new hearing aid users to have headaches or a feeling of a stuffy head when they first put in their hearing aids. However, this feeling should fade after a while. If you notice that you still have constant headaches, speak to a hearing aid specialist. They can likely dampen the sounds a bit to let your body acclimate to higher levels of sound over time.

Volume Control

Knowing that you have hearing aids, you may be concerned about volume adjustments in the environment you are in. With digital hearing aids, they will auto-adjust to your surroundings so that you never have to worry about manually altering the volume level.

Hearing Aid Malfunctions

Other common problems that hearing aid users experience are malfunctioning and damage to their hearing aids. This can happen for a variety of reasons, like your pet. The trick is to have a plan in place for dealing with the downtime and replacement costs. When you purchase hearing aids in person, you can simply go back to the office and ask for repairs. There are also various warranty coverages that you can take advantage of to reduce the costs associated with repairs.

Contact Us Today

If you're experiencing a problem with your hearing aids, be sure to contact our hearing care specialists today. They can assist you in getting your hearing aids back into good working condition so that you can get back to enjoying all that life has to offer.
