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Buying Hearing Aids

The Difference Between Buying New vs. Used Hearing Aids

When you experience hearing loss, you're likely interested in getting a pair of hearing aids to assist with enhancing your level of hearing. While getting new hearing aids is a surefire possibility, some people may look towards purchasing discounted used hearing aids. Deciding if a used or new hearing aid is right for you comes down to assessing the pros and cons of each.

The Pros and Cons of Purchasing New Hearing Aids

When you opt for purchasing new hearing aids, you can be assured that you're getting ones that come with a custom fit for your ears. They'll be sure to have up-to-date technology that will ensure you're getting the most out of your new hearing aids. Additionally, most hearing aids will come with a warranty period. One drawback of purchasing new hearing aids is that they'll be more expensive than used hearing aids.

The Pros and Cons of Purchasing Used Hearing Aids

Used hearing aids come with the benefit of being attainable at a cheaper cost than new hearing aids. However, the chances of finding a hearing aid with the proper structure and technology to fit a new user aren't overly great. You may have to invest some time in looking over many different hearing aids to find a viable pair that can be checked over by a professional for use.

Assessing Fit

Before you can opt for using a used hearing aid, you need to understand the fitting. In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids are specifically designed to custom-fit the wearer. Since each person's ear canal will be different from the next person's, used ITE hearing aids are non-transferrable to new users.

When it comes to behind-the-ear hearing aids, you'll need to closely examine the earpiece. If the earpiece is a custom earmold, then it's not going to fit a new user. However, if the earpiece is a standard ear dome, the hearing aid could potentially be utilized by a new wearer with appropriate cleaning practices.

Examining Its Technology

Apart from assessing the physical structure of the hearing aid, it's also just as important to assess the technology. This term encompasses various aspects of the hearing aid like its ability to be reprogrammed, its circuit's age, power source, and so forth. These are all aspects that should be assessed by a professional.

Contact Us Today

If you're interested in purchasing new hearing aids or getting a free hearing evaluation, be sure to contact us today. Our hearing care specialists can help you to choose the ideal hearing aids to fit your needs. You can even take advantage of the Beltone apps that come along with the purchase of your brand-new hearing aids.
