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Hearing Health Plans

What Can We Do to Improve Our Overall Hearing Health?

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates nearly 12 million Americans have some form of hearing-related impairment. Whether you're currently living with hearing concerns or hoping to avoid issues of this nature as much as possible, there are ways you can improve your overall hearing health. Get more "ear fit" and read on for our tips to keep in mind to enjoy optimal hearing health.

Get Your Hearing Checked

To certainly know if you have a hearing issue requiring professional attention is to get your hearing health checked. Take comfort in knowing most hearing-related issues are correctable with hearing aids or treatments based on an accurate diagnosis. It doesn't take long to receive a proper hearing evaluation. Even more importantly, the results help you make decisions good for your hearing health and peace of mind.

Use Your Hearing Aids as Recommended

Hearing aids are customized and programmed to address your specific hearing-related concerns and sound environments. It may not always seem like a big deal to use your hearing aids regularly. However, wearing your devices as recommended can noticeably improve your daily quality of life. If you're experiencing any issues with particular sounds, pitches, or frequencies, your hearing aids can always be adjusted.

Give Brain Games/Activities a Try

Hearing loss isn't reversible, but the hearing process is associated with connections between your ears and brain. Taking steps to stimulate various parts of your brain can help strengthen these connections, which can be good for your hearing health. If you already use hearing aids, listening activities help improve your ability to hone in on certain sounds. Brain games or activities beneficial for your hearing health include:

  • Sudoku and other word puzzle games to stimulate and sharpen problem-solving parts of your brain.
  • Recall and repeat games or activities – e.g., listening to a short story and repeating key phrases or words.
  • Seeing how many natural sounds you can pick up on in places without other distracting sounds like a beach.

Music therapy is another brain-stimulating activity to consider to boost your hearing health. Listen at low levels and see if you can identify lyrics or pick up on certain instruments. Getting more in tune with musical sounds can also help you learn how to filter out similar background sounds in noisy environments.

Be Mindful of the Volume

As long as we're on the topic of music, pay attention to the volume of what you listen to for your own enjoyment. This also applies to the volume level when watching television or checking out anything online or on your various devices involving sound. Prolonged exposure to loud volumes can worsen or contribute to existing hearing loss.

Strive for a Healthier Lifestyle

Being more health-minded with your lifestyle habits and routines helps improve circulation and maintain your overall mind-body health. This won't reverse any existing hearing loss, but it can help your internal hearing system function better. A hearing-health-friendly lifestyle includes:

  • Regular exercise
  • A healthy, balanced diet with an assortment of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals
  • Reducing stress as much as possible
  • Sticking to a normal sleep routine

Call Us Today

Even seemingly minor hearing-related concerns shouldn't be ignored. Further maintain your overall hearing health by contacting Beltone Dallas Fort Worth if you notice any signs that you may have a hearing impairment. If hearing aids suit your situation, we'll help you find a solution that works best for your lifestyle, hearing needs, and budget.

Call today to set up an appointment with a hearing care specialist.