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4 Myths About Hearing Loss That Are Not True

4 Myths About Hearing Loss That Are Not True

Unfortunately there are a lot of rumors out there about hearing loss that are simply incorrect. Let’s debunk some common misconceptions here.

Primary Care Physicians diagnose hearing loss.

Here’s the thing: only about 14 percent of primary care doctors actually screen for hearing loss. Just because your doctor hasn’t mentioned it doesn’t mean you aren’t experiencing it. Hearing loss can go undetected in a place like a doctor’s office since it is usually so quiet. Not only that, but PCPs are not trained to pick up on signs that would indicate hearing loss to an audiologist.

Once you reach age 50, you need to ensure you get a proper hear test each year. If you are younger than 50 and notice your hearing is decreasing, seek help from an audiologist immediately.

Hearing loss happens only to the elderly.

Presbycusis, or age-related hearing loss, impacts about half of our elderly friends. But hearing loss is not just experienced by the elderly. You can have varying degrees of hearing loss at any age. Since most people attribute hearing loss to old age, they are less likely to seek help as soon as they start experiencing decreased hearing function.

Some of us work noisy jobs – like manufacturing, transportation, or construction. Loud machinery will definitely impact your hearing health when you are exposed to it regularly and are not using proper protective gear. You might also experience hearing loss due to hereditary reasons, injuries and illness, or from taking certain medications. Regardless of your age, if you are experiencing any of the signs of hearing loss, contact your audiologist immediately to begin a treatment protocol.

Hearing loss doesn’t mean bad health.

Unfortunately, this is completely incorrect. John Hopkins University provides research linking hearing loss to an increased risk of developing dementia and depression. But don’t worry – correcting the hearing loss can improve memory and mood. Because your balancing ability comes from your ear canal, unhealthy hearing health may lead to falls and accidents as well.

Hearing aids restore your hearing.

Hearing aids improve one’s ability to hear when you are experiencing hearing loss. However, they do not restore your hearing health. You will definitely hear better with your hearing aids in, but your hearing loss will not magically be reversed. However, for the sake of your mental health, you should take full advantage of hearing aids simply for the ability to hear better and increase your quality of life.

Hearing loss doesn’t only affect your ability to hear, but it can cause many other mental and physical issues. Don’t delay if you are experiencing hearing loss, no matter what your age. Call Beltone DFW at (888) 958-8432 for your free hearing test.