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5 Surprising Causes of Hearing Loss

5 Surprising Causes of Hearing Loss You Might Not Know About

When it comes to hearing loss, there are many common reasons that you may experience it. Being constantly exposed to loud noises at work or even attending loud music events can wreak havoc on your hearing. We will share five surprising causes of hearing loss that you should protect yourself against going into the future.


Apart from a plethora of other negative health issues, smoking has been shown to significantly increase one's risk of experiencing permanent hearing loss. The nicotine in tobacco products actively blocks the neurotransmitters that send auditory information to your brain. 

It does so by restricting the blood flow to your inner ear, where your stereocilia struggle to interpret and transmit sound to your brain. Additionally, smoke can irritate the lining of the middle ear, leading to further difficulties with hearing capabilities.

Iron Deficiency

A recent study has shown that people with Iron Deficient Anemia (IDA) are twice as likely to develop hearing loss. Iron plays a critical role in promoting a healthy blood supply to the delicate hair cells within the inner ear. When these hair cells lack adequate blood, they can struggle to process sound.


Medication is one of those hearing loss causes that many don't think twice about. You've been prescribed medication from your doctor and believe it's helping you. Unfortunately, certain medications can increase your risk of experiencing permanent hearing loss. Some common culprits include Viagra, ED drugs, diuretics, and chemotherapy medication.

Chronic Stress

Those who suffer from chronic stress are at high risk for developing hearing loss and even tinnitus. Many people with chronic stress suffer from hypertension. This can result in hemorrhaging in the ears that can cause both temporary and permanent hearing loss. 

Also, stress causes the body to divert oxygen to its muscles so that it can react quickly to danger. When this happens for a prolonged period, your inner ear mechanisms can be permanently damaged.

Sleep Apnea

In more recent years, medical professionals have linked sleep apnea and hearing loss. While the connection between the two isn't entirely understood, there are a couple of reasons this connection is thought to have developed. 

First, exposure to loud snoring can result in ear damage over several years. Second, sleep apnea reduces the flow of blood to the inner ear. This reduction can lead to permanent damage to the inner ear and reduce one's ability to hear correctly.

Contact Us Today

Hearing loss is not something that you just want to live with. Instead, contact us today to get help from our knowledgeable and friendly hearing specialists. We can easily access your hearing and recommend the best Beltone hearing aids to fit your needs.
