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Can Allergies Affect My Hearing?

Can Allergies Affect My Hearing?

It is currently estimated that roughly one-third of the population deals with allergies regularly. This adverse reaction occurs when the immune system creates antibodies when coming in contact with something that should not harm the body. Everyone knows the typical allergy symptoms include itchy skin, nasal congestion, and sneezing, but there is a chance that your hearing is also affected. Hearing loss from allergies does not happen to everyone, but it is one of the most troubling symptoms of this common condition.

Middle Ear Problems

The most common way allergies cause hearing loss is by altering the middle ear. The allergic reaction can cause swelling in the middle ear. This causes normal fluid to build up in the Eustachian tubes because it cannot naturally drain out of the ear. Once the fluid starts to build up, your ear will begin to feel full and clogged. You will also notice that you are no longer able to hear properly. Reducing the swelling and draining the fluid will return your hearing to normal.

Outer Ear Issues

You may also experience allergy-related hearing loss if the skin on your outer ear develops an allergic reaction. The allergies may cause you to experience swelling on the outer ear and ear canal. This essentially closes the opening of your ear, so sounds cannot reach the inner ear. This type of hearing loss is most commonly found in individuals that are allergic to a new laundry detergent or perfume.

Inner Ear Hearing Loss

If you are currently suffering from Meniere’s disease, you may develop hearing loss from your allergies. This rare disease disrupts the function of the inner ear leading to a variety of troubling symptoms. Allergies can potentially cause Meniere’s disease to have a more significant impact on the inner ear. If your symptoms start to get worse, then you will likely develop some hearing problems.

Clogged Hearing Aids

The final way allergies can alter your hearing is by clogging your hearing aids. Allergens cause moisture to build up in the ear. They also cause the ear to make more wax than usual. Since hearing aids spend most of the day inside your ear, this extra moisture and ear wax are bound to get trapped inside the hearing aids. Once this happens, the hearing aids will not amplify sound properly. Regularly cleaning your device should help prevent this from happening.

Call Us Today

If you have any questions about allergy-related hearing loss, then do not hesitate to call. We will help you truly understand the root cause of your hearing issues. We will also guide you through any problems with your current hearing aids.