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Noise Induced Hearing Loss

How Do You Fix Noise-Induced Hearing Loss?

Exposure to loud noise can cause a specific type of hearing loss called noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). While this type of hearing loss is often preventable, it can also be irreversible. If you suspect you have noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), it is crucial to seek medical assistance immediately.

The first step in treating NIHL is to identify the cause of the hearing loss. Your doctor will perform a hearing test to determine the extent of the damage to your hearing. They will also ask questions about your exposure to loud noise, including the duration and intensity of the exposure.

Once the cause and extent of your hearing loss have been determined, there are several treatment options that may be recommended:

  • To prevent having NIHL, it's best to prevent it from happening altogether. Protect your ears from loud noises with earmuffs or earplugs, or avoid noisy environments altogether.
  • Hearing aids can effectively enhance your hearing ability, especially if you are experiencing mild to moderate hearing loss. Nowadays, there are various kinds of hearing aids accessible. Your audiologist can assist you in selecting the appropriate one that meets your individual requirements.
  • Individuals with NIHL often have tinnitus, which causes a ringing or buzzing feeling in their ears. Luckily, various treatment options, such as sound and cognitive-behavioral therapy, can help manage tinnitus.

It's important to note that while certain types of hearing loss can be treated, NIHL is irreversible. Nevertheless, proper treatment can help alleviate symptoms and enhance overall quality of life.

Apart from medical treatment, there are various alterations you can make in your lifestyle to aid in managing your hearing loss:

  • It's important to avoid loud noises to prevent any additional harm to your hearing. It's crucial to prioritize your hearing health, and taking this step is essential to achieving that goal.
  • Quitting smoking decreases the risk of hearing loss and prevents further damage, as smoking is a known risk factor for hearing loss.
  • Regular exercise is highly recommended as it effectively boosts blood flow to the inner ear, thereby promoting and maintaining healthy hearing.
  • Managing stress properly to deal with hearing loss and avoid its adverse effects is important. You can achieve this by implementing effective stress management techniques.

Contact Us Today

Don't delay seeking help if you suspect NIHL. Proper treatment and lifestyle changes can improve hearing loss symptoms and overall health. Contact us at Beltone Dallas Fort Worth to get started on your free hearing exam.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019). Preventing Hearing Loss Caused by Chemical (Ototoxicity) and Noise Exposure. Retrieved from
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. (2020). Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. Retrieved from
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (n.d.). Treatment for Hearing Loss. Retrieved from