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Glasses vs Hearing Aids

Why Are Glasses Perceived Differently Than Hearing Aids?

Hearing aids haven't always been the norm. In fact, many older hearing aids have a stigma about them that sets users apart from others around them. Glasses used to be the same way.

Wearing Glasses Used to Be a Stigma

Rewind a couple of decades, and glasses used to have a negative stigma surrounding them. Names like 'four-eyes' used to be a way to bully those who wore them. In modern-day, glasses are considered a standard accessory. No one really blinks an eye at someone because they're wearing glasses. When it comes to new inventions, it takes many decades before people accept them as the norm.

Hearing Aid Stigma Will Dissipate Soon

Hearing aids only have a stigma around them when you let them. You should never let a perceived stigma keep you from improving your health. If you're struggling with hearing loss, it's time to get your hearing tested and fitted for a new pair of hearing aids. While many people are familiar with behind-the-ear models, hearing aid technology has come a long way.

Hearing aids are available in a wide variety of styles. Some even fit within the ear and look no different than a wireless earbud. These hearing aids come in varying colors, so you can choose one that compliments your skin tone or style.

The Many Benefits of Wearing Hearing Aids

The most obvious benefit of wearing hearing aids is that they will allow you to communicate better with others around you. Many people are surprised to discover the many sounds they've been unable to hear after putting on hearing aids for the first time.

Social Interactions

When you can hear better, you can interact with the world around you more fully. Most people with hearing loss tend to unconsciously withdraw themselves from social situations. They know it's hard to hear, so they unconsciously choose not to attend and not have to deal with the struggle. When you get hearing aids, you'll find it much easier to go out and converse with others in social situations.

Prevent Hearing Decline

Many people are surprised to discover that their brain is just as essential as their auditory system to hear the world around them. When your auditory system cannot hear all the sounds around you, your brain doesn't utilize that portion of its central nervous system. Without use, it can atrophy and lead to more permanent hearing loss. Getting hearing aids is a great way to help prevent further hearing decline.

Mental Health

Hearing health is widely linked to mental health. Those who are unable to hear adequately and withdraw from normal social situations will have a lack of social well-being. This can lead to more serious mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and dementia. Getting hearing aids helps to ensure that you can have a fulfilled social well-being and overall good quality of life.

Call Us Today

If you're interested in undergoing a hearing test, contact us at Beltone Dallas Fort Worth today. Our helpful hearing care specialists will be more than happy to assess your hearing and provide adequate recommendations on effectively treating it with our extensive array of modern Beltone hearing aids.